The Development squad is for club members who have great athletic potential in 1, 2 or all 3 diciplines or are already consistently racing in Triathlon events. It has the aim of developing talented athletes further, enabling them to maximise their athletic potential in the hopes of helping them make that next step up to the performance squad.

  • We will provide to you a training environment in which you can excel, which includes tailored training sessions and opportunities to train with both our general and performance squads

  • We will provide individual coaching with a monthly 45min 1-2-1 session with the development coach and access to Training Peaks

  • We will provide swim & run video analysis and technique correction

  • We will provide bespoke strength and conditioning sessions in the high perfromance zone

Joining the development squad requires an extra £40/term on top of the regular membership cost. For this you receive the benefits above, as well as 6 additional training sessions. We ask that these athletes demonstrate a high level of commitment to the club, participate in BUCS and other signature races, and act as role models and advisors to fellow club members.

The Development squad has developed over the 2 few years, with the help of our new development squad Coach Morgan Gallimore. Morgan has a wealth of triathlon experience under his belt after racing many years at an elite level and training as an external athlete with our performance squad, as well as giving a hand with coaching. Morgan’s role is predominantly with the development squad, coaching the majority of their sessions and providing individual feedback to athletes, but you may see him additionally doing some coaching for our performance and general squads.